Monday, November 30, 2009

On needing a new Caddy

A crouching Tiger, hidden behind a hydrant whilst an enraged Elin tried to give him the thin end of her wedge (which she later changed to rescue club in her statement to the police) after learning he had been making birdies but signing for par.

An event which has prompted more wild theorising than the so called but obviously faked moon landings. Clearly, the truth is that this is a PR stunt to humanise Tiger - probably ahead of a new advertising campaign in which he endorses beer or chewing tobacco.

And it has worked. This column has never been a fan of Woods the person, but suddenly I want to have a beer with him.

The world loves nothing so much as a flawed personality sporting genius. Is this new naughty Tiger continuing the legacy of Gazza, of Best, of Walter Hagan?His private life will now be subjected to the most intense scrutiny. His every movement will be probed more deeply than Elton John's ring.

The paparazzi will invade every tournament in which he plays. His brutish minder, Steve Williams, will be so busy breaking cameras he will scarcely have time to carry his clubs. And his game may just not survive it.

Which opens up another line of theorising - is the whole thing a set up by one of his rivals in an attempt to dethrone the king? Big Phil has been smiling a lot lately! A sporting plot of devious cunning. Where's Myron Bolitar when you need him. Yoohoo, Myron, here's a bestseller in waiting.

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